Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More than just a read aloud!

Recently my school's administration has really been pushing a higher standard of instruction.  Along with the push has come professional development staff meetings and new reading material related to the higer standard.  One of the books we were given was The Fundamental 5 by Sean Cain and Mike Laird.  A great read to remind us all of what we already knew... a good teaching model.  As the librarian I find myself reading many books to students ... duh!  However, I want them to get from the reading experience more than just the love of reading.  There are many lessons that can be taught from a great read aloud.  So having freshly read this new book I've decided to make my read alouds more than just a read aloud.  I've applied a few of the Fundamental 5 elements to my lessons.  Attached you will find some example lessons of how I've Framed my lessons and added Critical Writing.  Hope you find them useful!

Handouts for Read Aloud Lessons

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A beginning...

I have many ideas to share and have procastinated due to perfectionism.  I am not 100% ready to start adding my stuff, but if I don't get started... well, it will never happen.  So today, I have started.  Nothing much to add because, well, I want it to be perfect before adding.  What I'm trying to convince myself is that what I post does not have to be perfect.

But soon you will find here media and library related lesson ideas, how to motivate kids to read and love it, research skills, read aloud engagement tasks and more.  I can't wait for this blog to be full.